“I’m originally from Essex, and I’m a mother of five children. I left Essex to escape domestic violence from an ex-partner. It was the hardest decision of my life, but I had to leave to protect myself. My children stayed with my parents in Essex while I sought safety and stability.”
“I fled from Essex because it wasn’t safe to stay there. When I arrived in the area, I lived in a hotel at first, but it wasn’t long before I found myself homeless. The housing needs team at the local authority placed me in a hostel, but it didn’t have any cooking facilities. I survived on instant noodles for a month because I had so little money.
After some time, the council moved me to Gorton Street Hostel, where I had my own bedroom and shower and shared a kitchen with another resident. It was a small step forward, but I was still without a permanent home. After three months, the housing needs team at the Local Authority offered me a place at St George Housing, and I moved in on July 1, 2024.”
“It’s been completely life-changing. I finally have a safe and secure home. Having a place to call my own has given me the chance to heal and rebuild. St George Housing truly saved my life.”
“Now that I have a stable home and feel safe, I can finally start putting my life back together. My biggest hope is to reconnect with my children. Having a permanent home gives me the foundation I need to focus on creating a brighter and happier future for all of us.”
Listen to what Kirsty says about life ar St George Housing
Hear what Martin says about life at St George Housing
Your support
We are on hand to give you advice about
- paying your rent
- raising a repair
- managing arrears
- mutual exchange
- anti-social behaviour
-making a complaint
-any other tenancy or property related query
Your Housing Manager
Within the first three days of you moving in you will meet your designated housing officer . Your housing officer will be on hand to go through all of the above. They can also carry out an income check to make sure you are in receipt of all the benefits that are available to you.
Compliance and access for repairs
We may need to gain access to your property from time to time to carry out essential repairs and for the annual gas safety check. A member of the team will get in touch with you to arrange a suitable appointment to carry out these works.
To find out more about the annual gas safety check click here.
As part of your tenancy handbook you will be provided with clear guidance to help to maintain a safe and pleasant environment for everyone. It is important for all of SGH residents to be aware of the behaviour we cannot not accept. We take all issues of antisocial behaviour (ASB) extremely seriously and have robust policies and procedures in place to manage instances of ASB. If you need to report any issues of ASB please contact us on 01253228944. To view our ASB policy click here.
Your accommodation
SGH offers a self-contained properties. Our insurance does not cover your personal belongings, so we encourage you to take your own insurance to cover this.
As our properties are all self-contained, we allow for pets.
Your tenancy handbook will have all the information you need to settle into your new home. You can view a copy be hitting the find out more button.
Copyright © 2021 St George Housing - All Rights Reserved.
Community Benefit Society registered number: 9036
Registered office address:
182-184 Office 1574 High Street
E6 2JA
T: 01253228944
E :support@stgeorgehousing.co.uk
Charitable Community Benefit Society